

UHV Laboratory @ NBMC AMU

UHV chamber from Omicron with CreaTec LT-STM

The chamber is equipped with: LT-STM/STS/qPlus-AFM, LEED, XPS (monochromated and non-monochromated), UPS, AES, sputter gun, heating stage (up to 1450 K), cooling stage (down to 100 K), evaporators for deposition of metals and organic materials, molecular oxygen line, atomic oxygen source, atomic hydrogen source, TPD setup

UHV2 Laboratory @ NBMC AMU

Home-made UHV chamber with UHV-MOKE and Omicron VT-STM

The chamber is equipped with: VT-STM/STS/qPlus-AFM, sputter gun, heating stage (up to 1600 K), triple evaporator for deposition of metals, molecular oxygen line

UHV Laboratory @ Faculty of Physics AMU

UHV chamber from RHK Technology

The chamber is equipped with: VT-STM/AFM, sputter gun, heating stage, oxygen line and triple evaporator

UHV Laboratory @ Institute of Molecular Physics PAS

UHV chamber from PREVAC with PhysicsDesign VT-STM

The chamber is equipped with: VT-STM, LEED, RHEED, XPS, sputter gun, heating stage, evaporators and oxygen line